My word for 2018: HONOR

Hello there my friends! I finally chose my word for 2018, or I should say it chose me.

My word this year is HONOR.

It came to me while doing yoga and surprised me as it was not a word I had ever considered before. It gave me the goosebumpy chills you get when something feels true in your being. I am not sure it will be an easy word as it will require me to have the utmost integrity with myself. Although I am really good at keeping my word to others, I hate to admit I am not the best when it comes to myself.

I want to change that in 2018.



This year I want to appreciate and honor all the gifts I have been given. I have SO many! I want to take a good look at what's working and what isn't in my life and release whatever isn't. I want everything to pass the "joy test".


I want to appreciate my body and honor it by listening to what it needs. I want to fuel it with vibrant foods that give it energy and strengthen it physically through daily exercise that is fun, feels good, and challenges me at the same time. (I got a hula hoop I can't wait to use ~ FUN!). I want to dress it thoughtfully each day and be intentional in wearing my joy, even if I never leave the house.


I want to honor my soul's calling to create more art, to write, and treasure my gifts. I want to trust the process of creation and honor where I am within it.

I want to allow my ideas and creativity to flow out of my head and into the world (I seriously have SO much to share!). I wish to honor my relationships and appreciate the wisdom within each one of them, as well as open myself up to new people and circumstances that will help me grow in kind and loving ways.


I want to honor my marriage and create more adventure and surprise within it, continuing to build a strong foundation for lifelong joy and growth. I want to be intentional with what I am absorbing, asking myself if where I am placing my attention is honoring my well-being. This will be with the books I read, the classes I take, the podcasts I listen to, as well as the tv shows and movies I watch. (I've already gotten pretty good at this but I want to remain mindful).

I want to honor my heart’s desires and move forward bravely and release the fear and perfectionism that often holds me back. I want to honor money and allow it to flow freely in my life, trusting that I will always have enough to spare and share.I want to honor this beautiful planet we live on by making the most sustainable choices I can.


I want to garden and plant more flowers and trees to help foster the growth of all the tiny little beings that collectively support our planet.

I want to honor bravery and trust that my true self knows no limits or boundaries.

If I continuously ask the question,

"Is this honoring my values and my life?"

I will know in my heart if I am on the right path. I am SO excited for 2018!

It's going to be a good year so expect good things! :)

I would love to honor your word for the year.

If you felt inspired I would love for you to share with me in the comments below.


💞 Laura

p.s. I shared my word with Tina, along with another "honor" painting I made over on Laura TWO Tina if you want to take a peek. :)


honor your life by asking better questions


self love requires honesty