Art studio tour



Hello friends, I have been holding onto every sweet moment and memory of summer, not wanting to let it go. Summer always brings with it the bustle of out of town guests, warm beach days, happy music and back porch living~all the things I love the most.

This summer also brought a big art studio move for me.


After some soul searching I came to the realization that although I loved all the space I had at my Velvet Mill Studio, I was longing for a cozier, more intimate place to create. I had been looking for the perfect spot to move to for awhile but hadn't found a place that made my heart sing. As it turned out, the "right place" was right in front of me at home. I get so much inspiration from my garden and realized I wanted to be home, so Brett and I converted our front porch into a sweet little art studio for me. It's much smaller than what I had at the Mill, but is SO cute and cozy and I love, LOVE, love it! As I said farewell to my Mill studio I thanked it for giving me the gift of clarity. It was there that I discovered that I craved simplicity and a peaceful environment.

Holding a Vision

Weeding through all of my "stuff" during the move I held a vision in my mind of how I wanted to feel in my new studio. What I came up with was:


In order to stay focused on this vision as I decluttered I used this question to guide me:

"Is this item serving the vision I have for myself in the present moment?"


If it wasn't I let it go. Asking if I needed it in my NOW experience was instrumental in my pruning. I could have easily held onto things for "someday" but keeping those things would only add clutter to my life. I want to make room for new things. Having a vision helped me let go of the many beautiful things I had collected over the years: vintage chests, dressers, shelves, books and even my beloved chartreuse flat files.

Letting go was actually much easier than I thought it would be

In fact it was liberating! I haven't looked back or missed any of it. I loved passing these items along to others and allowing them to experience the joy that they once gave me. I trust that if I should ever need any of these things again I will find them.

Things carry energy


Holding onto unused things can often keep you stuck and stagnant. I want to make room for new experiences and flow. This is the first step.

"good vibes"

My new studio has all the "good vibes" I was craving~loads of windows, a wood floor, creamy white walls and a beachy turquoise ceiling. I love it SO much and can't wait to give you a full studio tour in a future post.I have learned that by trusting these little "heart whispers" I am staying true to my word for the year~ honor . This little word is serving me well!

new painting collection


On another note, I wanted to share that I have a NEW PAINTING COLLECTION that I have been working on. I am so excited about it and can't wait to share with you! It harnesses all the feelings I have about summer. I invite you to follow me on instagram for behind-the-scenes peeks (don't forget to look in the insta stories too! Simply click on the pink circle around my profile picture.)

Until then, cheery smiles your way...


Laura :)


This little book may change your life...


A Touch of kind Painting giveaway #2